10 Important things you should know about chronic illness

I’ve written this article that has 10 Important things you should know about chronic illness to help educate those who want to learn about chronic illness. I want to spread awareness so that friends, family, employers, coworkers, and healthcare professionals can better understand chronic illness. My hope is that an increase in awareness will help […]
Paw Prints Left On My Heart
1 message received. It’s a text from my mom saying: “Sorry Nicole, It’s Time” I knew this day was coming, but in my heart, I was not ready to say goodbye. “Mom how is he? I’m on the way… “ There he lay, my 12 year old miniature Jack Russel, weak and frail. Indeed it […]
Pulmonary Hypertension Invisible Illness. For me it isn’t…

November marks the month of bringing this illness to life. Letting it be the star of the show, showing people just how ‘great’ Pulmonary Hypertension is. Pulmonary hypertension might be an invisible illness, but it isn’t invisible to me. Lately I’ve been reminded of how serious my illness really is. This year alone we have […]

Every year on May 5, pulmonary hypertension organizations and groups around the world participate in World Pulmonary Hypertension Day activities to raise awareness of this rare and often-misdiagnosed disease and to celebrate the lives of the global PH community. This year, phaware global association (www.phaware.global) has developed an amazing app called PHaware 365. The will […]
Yes, it’s traumatic…

Once Pulmonary Hypertension was brought to my attention, it’s been nothing but a life altering path I did not choose, but was forced to take. A difficult journey my soul has chosen to take. Every disease has it’s own personal baggage, some worse then others, but they somehow can all relate to each other. The […]
947 MTB Challenge for PH!

On the 13th November 2016, a group of family and newly made friends, worked up the courage and took on the 947 MTB Telkom Challenge. I, myself , was supposed to join in on the fun but due to some health issues, I waited patiently at the finish line cheering the group on! The group […]
Discovering the PH Me…

This year marks 10 years that I have been living with Pulmonary Hypertension and admittedly, it’s the first time I’ve really experienced my silent killer with full force. If you are a little lost on the whole PH thing, you can read about my introduction here. It’s quite a surreal moment for me to reach […]